北理工在读博士生一作发science! 全新退火工艺助力高质量钙钛矿的可重复制备
2021年7月30日,北京理工大学2019级博士研究生牛秀秀以共同第一作者及北京理工大学为第一通讯单位在国际顶级学术期刊《science》上发表学术论文《liquid medium annealing for fabricating durable perovskite solar cells with improved reproducibility》,开发了一种简单的钙钛矿薄膜退火工艺——液相介质退火,该工艺为高质量、组分空间均一的钙钛矿薄膜的全天候可重复制备开辟了新的途径。
1.strain engineering in perovskite solar cells and its impacts on carrier dynamics、nature communications(sci if="14.92)、 (共同一作)
2.temporal and spatial pinhole constraints in small-molecule hole transport layers for stable and efficient perovskite photovoltaics、journal of materials chemistry a(sci if="12.73)(第一作者)
3.towards commercialization: the operational stability of perovskite solar cells 、chemical society reviews(sci if="54.56)(共同一作)
5.insights into large‐scale fabrication methods in perovskite photovoltaics
advanced energy and sustainability research (新刊第一作者)
6.energy‐level modulation in diboron‐modified sno2 for high‐efficiency perovskite solar cells、solar rrl (sci if="8.58)(共同一作)
7.compositional engineering for compact perovskite absorber fabrication toward efficient photovoltaics、ieee journal of photovoltaics (sci if="3.887)(共同一作)