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编辑: 研究生院 发布日期: 2019-01-22 浏览量:








  重点围绕超精密光学元件,特别是大口径光学非球面镜的超精密加工及检测技术展开深入研究, 主要内容包含

  (1) 针对大口径非球面镜计算机控制表面成形技术的关键科学与工程技术问题,从基础研究入手,探索不同关键加工工艺以及核心优化算法,先后提出了先进光学制造驻留时间计算的数值化算法、 一种驻留时间矩阵技术算法、 驻留时间优化补偿技术等方法。(2) 针对光学材料在磨削和研磨过程中, 光学元件亚表面损伤的产生机理、加工工艺参数与亚表面损伤的内在关系、亚表面损伤的抑制策略、亚表面损伤的测量和表征方法进行了深入探讨, 成功建立了高精度光学元件铣磨亚表面损伤预测模型, 可以有效抑制铣磨亚表面损失, 大幅度提高加工效率。(3) 针对大口径非球面镜高精度轮廓测量技术做了详细的研究,创造性地构建出高精度轮廓测量技术中失调量误差补偿算法、基于子孔径拼接的大口径轮廓仪误差标定算法等,在2米级高精度轮廓仪中得到良好应用。(4) 建立和发展了固着磨料加工超硬陶瓷工艺、驻留时间执行误差补偿工艺、亚表面损伤测量与控制工艺、 超精密加工去除函数工艺数据库等。



  zhichao dong, haobo cheng, highly noise-tolerant hybrid algorithm for phase retrieval from a single-shot spatial carrier fringe pattern, optics and lasers in engineering, 100, 176-185 (2018). (sci一区,if="3.4)

  zhichao dong, haobo cheng, ductile mode grinding of reaction-bonded silicon carbide mirrors, applied optics, 56(26),7404-7412 (2017). (sci二区,if="1.8)

  zhichao dong, haobo cheng, developing a trend prediction model of subsurface damage for fixed-abrasive grinding of optics by cup wheels, applied optics, 55(32), 9305-9313 (2016). (sci二区,if="1.8)

  zhichao dong, haobo cheng, hybrid algorithm for phase retrieval from a single spatial carrier fringe pattern, applied optics, 55(27), 7565-7573(2016) (sci二区,if="1.8)

  zhichao dong, haobo cheng, towards the complete practicability for the linear-equation dwell time model in subaperture polishing, applied optics, 54(30), 8884-8890(2015). (sci二区,if="1.8)

  zhichao dong, haobo cheng, yunpeng fen, jingshi su, henyu wu, honyuen tam, calibrating system errors of large scale three dimensional profile measurement instruments by subaperture stitching method, applied optics, 54(19), 5962-5969 (2015). (sci二区,if="1.8)

  zhichao dong, haobo cheng, honyuen tam, robust linear equation dwell time model compatible with large scale discrete surface error matrix, applied optics, 54(10), 2747-2756 (2015). (sci二区,if="1.8)

  zhichao dong, haobo cheng, honyuen tam, compensating for velocity truncation during subaperture polishing by controllable and time-variant tool influence functions,applied optics, 54(5), 1167-1174 (2015). (sci二区,if="1.8)

  zhichao dong, haobo cheng, xu ye, honyuen tam, subsurface damage of fused silica lapped by fixed-abrasive diamond pellets, applied optics, . (sci二区,if="1.8)

  zhichao dong, haobo cheng, xu ye, honyuen tam, developing on-machine 3d profile measurement for deterministic fabrication of aspheric mirrors, applied optics, 53(22), 4997-5007 (2014). (sci二区,if="1.8)

  zhichao dong, haobo cheng, honyuen tam, modified dwell time optimization model and its applications in subaperture polishing, applied optics, 53(15), 3213-3224 (2014). (sci二区,if="1.8)

  zhichao dong, haobo cheng, honyuen tam, modified subaperture tool influence functions of a flat pitch polisher with reverse-calculated material removal rate, applied optics, 53(11), 2455–2464 (2014). (sci二区,if="1.8)

  zhichao dong, haobo cheng, honyuen tam, further investigations on fixed abrasive diamond pellets used for diminishing mid-spatial frequency errors of optical mirrors, applied optics, 53(3), 327-334(2014). (sci二区,if="1.8)

  zhichao dong, haobo cheng, study on removal mechanism and removal characters for sic and fused silica by fixed abrasive diamond pellets,, 85, 1-13 (2014). (sci一区,if="3.99)

  zhichao dong, haobo cheng, honyuen tam, investigation on removal features of multidistribution fixed abrasive diamond pellets used in the polishing of sic mirrors, applied optics, 51(35), 8373-8382 (2012). (sci二区,if="1.8)

  haobo cheng, zhichao dong, xu ye, honyuen tam, subsurface damages of fused silica developed during deterministic small tool polishing, optics express, 22(15), 18588-18603 (2014). (sci一区,if="3.3)

  yunpeng feng, haobo cheng, tan wang, zhichao dong, and honyuen tam, optimal strategy for fabrication of large aperture aspheric surfaces, applied optics, 53(1), 147-155 (2014). (sci二区,if="1.8)

  tan wang, haobo cheng, zhichao dong, honyuen tam, removal character of vertical jet polishing with eccentric rotation motion using magnetorheological fluid, journal of materials processing technology, 213, 1532-1537 (2013). (sci二区,if="1.8)

  honyuen tam, haobo cheng, zhichao dong, peano-like paths for sub-aperture polishing of optical aspherical surfaces, applied optics 52(15), 3624-3636 (2013). (sci二区,if="1.8)


  程灏波, 董志超.一种可调大偏心量公转箱体式气压施力数控抛光装置,国家发明专利,授权专利号: zl 2012 1 0435945.7.

  程灏波, 董志超.一种刚性偏心传动公自转气压施力数控抛光装置, 国家发明专利,授权专利号: zl 2012 1 0548198.8.

  程灏波, 董志超.一种偏心自转式气压施力大口径保形抛光装置,国家发明专利,授权专利号:zl 2013 1 0190539.3.

  程灏波, 王谭, 冯云鹏, 董志超,张丽雯, 多种喷射形式集成的磁射流抛光头,国家发明专利, 授权专利号: zl 2010 1 0622463.3


  高精度离轴非球面先进制造技术. 北京市人民政府,北京市科学技术奖,二等奖, 2013(排名第 4)

